Infinite Spirit is the Leader ( think of this role as the source of all consciousness, but just having one more setting than a Judge of Wings. )
Judge of Wings are Officers ( If they were all dressed as cool as what you saw them as in those games that would be superb, but these people are leaders that have roles that act as the master’s hand and should be looked upon like one. They have access to almost everything and are actively on. )
Angel of Death is a Trusted member ( Vetted and trained in one way or another. Can deliver you a quick death or help on anything you may need. )
Guardian Angel is Valued members ( These members are probably going to be the crowded bunch because these people have reached a veteran status in the FC and have more privileges and seniority and generally should be moved up between a week to a month of joining. This solely depends on activeness. )
Granfalloon is New members ( Anyone who has just been invited will be in their testing stages, surely they are interested in something but right now they are a big ball of wonder. )
Blood Skeleton is a Null rank ( The floor bed of the remains of unsung heroes pending comeback or release. Some members are permanent stays but not all.)